COVID-19 Resources: Evidence-informed decision making
Looking for up-to-date and high-quality scientific evidence on COVID-19? Submit a query to:
- The SPOR Evidence Alliance (focused on knowledge synthesis, guidelines development, and knowledge translation)
- The Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN) (focused on the safety and effectiveness of biologics and pharmaceutical drugs used in the real-world)
Synthesized COVID-19 evidence to support policy and decision-making
- The COVID-19 living catalogue of guidelines collects best available recommendations on COVID-19 for clinical, public health and health policy. It allows decision-makers to identify relevant recommendations for their question of interest.
- COVID Evidence Network to Support Decision-Making [COVID-END] (McMaster University) improves coordination and reduces duplication in activities among all types of researchers, with particular emphasis on evidence-synthesis, technology assessment and guideline-development.
- Also maintains a guide to COVID-19 evidence sources to help those already supporting decision-making to find the best evidence that is already out there
- COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews (McMaster University) compiles lists of completed and ongoing COVID-19 research projects, requesting submission from scientists in order to reduce duplication and foster creativity
- COVID Reference (Amedeo) presents daily short summaries of COVID-19 research, and has also developed a “mini-textbook” to bring researchers and decision-makers up-to-speed
- COVID19 Misinfo (Ryerson University) collects and summarizes the latest COVID-19 information, including debunked misinformation, & presents useful explainers
- Brief19 are developing daily summaries of COVID-19 news, including research and policy briefs
- COVID-19 Global Health Portal (York University) offers regular updates on the state of the pandemic, credible and usable sources of information, and applies Dahdaleh Institute's framework for understanding COVID-19 as a global public health emergency
- Neural Covidex (University of Waterloo) aims to help policy makers and clinicians make better-informed decisions. It applies neural network models and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to answer questions about COVID-19 using the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)
Experts to advise on COVID-19 policies and decision-making
- CanCOVID can be used by healthcare and policy decision-makers to connect with COVID-19 researchers, clinicians, industry representatives, etc. It utilizes the Slack message application
- SSHRC Interactive Database of Experts (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) is an interactive database, aggregating information about SSHRC-funded researchers with expertise on the human dimensions of the crisis as well as on longer-term recovery and resilience
- Applied Health Research (Ontario Ministry of Health) developing series of priority health research questions through consultation with public stakeholders, and bringing researchers together to answer these
- Informed Opinions have created a list of diverse, informed voices in the Canadian landscape who are willing to discuss various dimensions of the COVID-19 response
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