Message from Norman Rosenblum, INMD Scientific Director
September 2019
September is a time for CIHR Institute Advisory Board (IAB) renewal. This year there are a number of changes to the INMD IAB. First, I would like to welcome and thank Chris Kennedy (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute & Kidney Research Centre and Univ. Ottawa) as he steps into the role of IAB Chair. Chris has served on the INMD IAB for many years, and I look forward to continuing to work with him in his new role.
Secondly, I am very pleased to welcome Marc Prentki to the INMD IAB. Marc is Professor of Nutrition at the Université de Montréal and former Tier 1 Canadian Research Chair in Diabetes & Metabolism. You can read Marc’s biosketch below. Welcome Marc!
Finally, it is with mixed feelings that I announce that Elisabeth Fowler (Lis) is leaving the INMD IAB. Lis has been the Director of Research at the Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFOC) for the last 4.5 years where she has been a champion for the Kidney Research Scientist Core Education and National Training Program, known as the KRESCENT Program, and a wonderful partner to CIHR and INMD in particular. Lis has also been involved in the SPOR Can-SOLVE CKD Network, where she has been actively engaging with patients with kidney disease and their families and has extended this experience to bring patient perspectives to KFOC's peer review processes. We will miss Lis immensely, and wish her the very best as she takes on a new role as the CEO of The Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS).
Best wishes to all for back-to-school season!
Marc Prentki, PhD - New CIHR-INMD Institute Advisory Board Member

Marc Prentki, PhD is Professor of Nutrition at the Université de Montréal and was Tier 1 Canadian Research Chair in Diabetes & Metabolism for two terms until July 2019. He is Director of the Montreal Diabetes Research Centre (MDRC). This center comprises 58 teams across Quebec. His research concerns the regulation of insulin secretion in the normal and diabetic situation, metabolic transduction systems and the role of glucose and lipid metabolism in energy homeostasis. His recent work has identified two therapeutic targets for cardiometabolic diseases. He currently develops drugs with industry for these two targets (ABHD6 and PGP-G3PP). He has published over 170 peer-reviewed articles collectively cited more than 28,000 times (H index=88). He codirected the first genome wide association study of a complex disorder that lead to the identification of novel type 2 diabetes genes. Marc has received a number of awards for his contributions to diabetes research, including the 2011 Albert Renold Award from the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and the prize of excellence of CRCHUM in 2017.
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